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  • Completed a comparative analysis of the operational, periodic and life cycle cost of maintenance over time using Van Hool as the benchmark.
  • Provided system analysis, design and development for a custom work management web application. The application provides support for all aspects of work order creation and scheduling including a mobile interface for technicians and a complete real time interface with accounting software.
  • Provided ongoing fleet management consulting services.
  • Authored dual language, customized enterprise fleet operations and maintenance web based software per the customers specifications. The software includes support for:  
    • Repair order creation and management (internal and vendor)
    • Driver management including payroll by route/miles
    • Vehicle specification management
    • Warranty processing and recovery
  • Provided Project Management Services for the implementation and integration of an enterprise Fleet Management Software product.
  • Provided management consulting and system integration services including: 
    • A fit/gap analysis of the proposed commercial software solution including process analysis.
    • Analyzed workflow and subsequently designed and specified integrated software/workflow processes as a part of systems analysis., 
    • Specified, tested and supervised the implementation of fundamental software enhancements to the FMS in support of the workflow. These modifications were fully integrated into the FMS vendors software.
    • Identified, classified, cross-referenced and labeled each and every part present at every maintenance location.
    • Completed an auditable physical inventory of each location.
    • Created system documentation and training materials.
    • Trained all levels and roles of maintenance personnel in revised processes utilizing the FMS.
  • Provided Project Management Services in support of the integration of Fleet Management Software (FMS) into the nationwide Con-Way company environment.
  • Provided fleet management and system integration consulting services including: 
    • Fleet management consulting to the Vice President of Maintenance.
    • Proposed, designed and consolidated the part data bases of 5 multi-state regional subsidiaries part into a single database.
    • Proposed, designed, and integrated a solution for using the FMS vehicle/unit database as the single system of record for all aspects in the company including vehicle purchasing, inventory, location, operations/dispatch, maintenance and warranty.
    • Identified and proposed changes to vendor management that resulted in a average of 20% savings in purchase price while simultaneously increasing performance with respect to vehicle down time as effected by lead time and fill rate.
    • Designed and implemented what is believed to be the first large scale work order process where 100% of all direct and indirect labor and parts are recorded throughout the day by mechanics/technicians in 'real time'. The ATS specified modifications to the fleet management system support both planned and incidental work. Key benefits of our integration design include the availability of information to all operations and maintentance stakeholders, consistency with accounting data so as to avoid cross discipline reporting discrepancies, and data accuracy.
  • Provided business system analysis and integration services. 
    • Analyzed Fleet Transit's order processing and dispatching systems and made recommendations for process improvement.
    • Delivered a comprehensive analysis of the information flows within the organization, identifying “choke points” and recommended steps to reduce redundant data entry and improve the quality of information available to dispatchers.
    • Provided an implementation plan that permitted Fleet Transit to automate manual processes including delivery forecasts, driver requirements, and seasonal demand calculations.
    • Provided system development services  
    • Particpated in the design and development an automated system for tracking FT's customer underground storage sites and managing the overall remediation effort of customer bulk fluid sites.
  • Provided fleet management consulting services including:
    • Fleet management consulting to the V.P. of Maintenance. that resulted in Greyhound documenting $42 million dollars of savings over a two year period by using Continuous Quality Maintenance (CQM). 
    • Fleet inventory was reduced from $25 million to $9 million during this period.
    • Provided Project Management services for the integration of fleet management software (FMS) into the Greyhound coast-to-coast environment.
  • Provided system integration consulting services including:
    • Workflow analysis and process re-engineering as a part of converting from paper based systems.
    • Designed, specified and implemented software modifications and process solutions specific to the Greyhound environment.
    • FMS system administration services including the development of on-demand, daily, weekly, and monthly batch jobs.
    • Authored training materials for both trainers and students in support of the FMS integration project.
    • Implemention of the FMS nationwide. ATS consultants and GLI staff trained approximately 1200 technicians.
    • Designed and implemented software modifications and process solutions specific to the Greyhound environment.
  • National Park Service (NPS) - Authored an application used for recording vehicle operating cost to a central database as required by law.
  • Idaho National Lab (INL) - Analyzed operations with respect to vendor outsourcing.
  • Provided Project Management services in support of integrating the Fleet Management Software (FMS) into the city-wide fleet environment.
  • Provided Fleet Management consulting with regard to policy, procedure, data conversion and consolidation of using agency data.
  • Provided system analysis and workflow review.
  • Specified, authored and implemented a large number of fundamental system modifications in response to unique city requirements.
  • Designed and implemented a solution for IP printing of bar coded part labels and repair orders.
  • Provided day-to-day primary ongoing support for the fleet management system.
  • Provided Project Management Services for the re-implementation of part and supply management.
  • Provided process re-engineering services with respect to part and supply management.
  • Physically identified, cross-referenced, cataloged, and applied primary vendors to all parts on hand.
  • Provided support for the relinquishment of obsolete parts on hand and performed the first auditable physical inventory.
  • Trained all staff in the use of new processes and software.
  • Our efforts resulted in a 50% reduction of inventory on hand with a decrease of daily units out of service due to maintenance.
  • Provided fleet management and consulting services including:
    • Recommended a complete re-implementation of the the Fleet Management System (FMS) in order to take advantage of real time services
    • Provided Project Management services in support of the FMS re-implementation.
  • Provided system integration consulting services including: 
    • Workflow process analysis and design
    • Specified, authored and implemented a number of changes to the FMS in response to the DEP environment.
    • Cataloged, cross-referenced, and applied unique bar code labels to all parts and supplies on hand.
    • Completed a physical inventory of all parts and supplies in all shop locations.
    • Recommended, designed and implemented the first 'real time' work order process in a New York City fleet whereby all direct and indirect time/parts were able to be recorded throughout the day by mechanics/technicians. The result is an environment where all work in process is available to authorized users of the system including out of service vehicles in real time.
  • Provided fleet management and consulting services including:
    • Recommended a complete re-implementation of the the Fleet Management System (FMS) in order to take advantage of real time services and to reduce the need for clerical data entry.
    • Provided Project Management services in support of the FMS re-implementation.
  • Provided system integration consulting services including: 
    • Workflow process analysis and design
    • Cataloged, cross-referenced, and applied unique bar code labels to all parts and supplies on hand.
    • Provided support for the relinquishment of all obsolete parts and the return to vendor of over stocked parts.
    • Completed a physical inventory of all parts and supplies in all shop locations.
  • Provided Project Management Services in support of the implementation of the Fleet Management Software (FMS) part and supply management modules into the DSNY environment.
  • Provided system integration and consulting services including:
    • Workflow and process analysis of DSNY's part purchase through usage cycle.
    • Recommended the conversion from an entirely card based inventoy of all parts and supplies to a real time computerized environment.
    • Designed, specified and authored changes to the fleet management system required to support DSNY's unique procurement needs with integrated support for DSNY's warehouse distribution model.
    • Identified, cataloged, cross-referenced and converted relevant histories for parts in warehouses and borrough shops into a single database.
    • Trained users at all levels and locations in the use of the new processes and tools.
    • With all part and supply related data available in real time, key benefits of our integration design and implementation include higher data accuracy, a $15 million decrease in part and supply inventory with fewer down units than at any point in DSNY history. All while simultaneously absorbing deep budget related resulting in staff cuts and moving the part and supply warehouses from one location to another. 
  • Provided Project Management Services in support of automating all parts and supplies used on vessels.
  • Provided system integration and process re-enginerring recommendations required to support an auditable system.
  • Identified, cataloged, cross-referenced, identified primary vendor for, and applied unique bar code labels to all parts and supplies on hand.
  • Completed the first auditable physical inventory of all part and supply areas in 40 years.
  • Provided support for the conversion of the part and supply database.
  • Provided Project Management Services, system integration and ongoing support of the Fleet Management Software (FMS) into the PG&E company environment.
  • Performed all Project Management, system integration, fleet consulting and fleet management system support to the City of New York agencies above as the only sub-contractor.
  • Provided system integration and process analysis in support of the agencies fleet management system.
  • Trained users in processes relevant to the management of all contstruction equipment resources.
  • Provided training and implementation services in support of the fleet management system (COMPASS)
  • Provided routing and logistics consulting as a part of driver route optimization.